Saturday, October 24, 2009 (River of Action) CITO
Sunday, October 18, 2009
LAME Geocaching Event in Topeka
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Rock City
The days are starting to get cooler, and the colors are changing across Kansas. Jacob (aka Buggywasher) and I loaded up the Prius this morning and headed to Rock City for Nicoole and Debbie's Earth Cache. On our jaunt this morning, we saw signs that winter will soon be upon us. When we moved to Kansas 5 years ago, I used to think the fall colors here were such a let down. This year I really appreciated them...they aren't vivid yellows, reds and oranges like the fall New England colors. They're more subdued, quieter...Kansas colors. I love the mustard yellows, the browns, the rusts, the dark reds that look almost purple. The yellow orange, the tans, the russets, the greenish yellows. This is the first year that I've really noticed the landscape. It's taken me 5 years to appreciate what we have here.
We did a couple of caches before and after the Earth cache, but I must say the highlight was Rock City. The rock formations were amazing! I've said this over and over again, but if it hadn't been for geocaching, we would never would have visited this spot. Geocaching has brought us to some amazing places along the way.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Delorme Challenge
We are in the process of completing the Kansas Delorme Challenge. I've written about this challenge before...Delorme has created a map book (see the picture above) for each state. The Kansas map on the back of the book is broken down into 65 grids, and each page of the book is one of these grids. In order to complete the Delorme Challenge, goecoachers must find or hide a geocache in each grid. This isn't an easy challenge...Kansas is a large is about 400 miles long and 210 miles wide, covering 82,282 square miles, making it the 15th largest of the 50 states. ( The eastern 2/3's of the state are pretty populated and there are lots of geocaches to be found. However, the challenge becomes more difficult in the western part of the state...some of the grids only have 1 or 2 caches!
At the same time, we're working on the Kansas County Challenge. This challenge is need to find a cache in all 105 counties! Again, this can be difficult since some counties only have 1 or 2 caches in them!We have gone on 2 geocaching treks lately...the first was on 12/13 July and the second on 7/8 August. The first trek was 2 days, 878 miles across 2 states. We found 59 geocaches and completed 15 grids on the Delorme Challenge. The second trek found us driving 837 miles across 2 states. We found 62 geocaches, set 3 of them ourselves and completed 14 grids (all with temps above 100!)
We are sooo close to being able to join the Delorme Challenge Club! But, we are still so far away...14 more grids are left for us to do! All in southwestern Kansas...and another 800+ mile trip!
Geocaching has now become an obsession for us! :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Iconic Challenge

On Sunday, we made a geocaching trip to complete the Iconic Challenge ( It took a little bit of planning, but was lots of fun! Mr. Diecast did most of the planning...Ok, almost all of the planning...I helped a little!
With the Iconic Challenge, there are two different versions...version 1 has you finding six different cache types in one day. Version 2 has you finding 10 different cache types in one day. We chose to complete version 1...version 2 is very difficult to complete! So we had a choice of caches to do...
This is what we found:
- Virtual Cache (KSARNG Aviation History Lesson)
- Mystery Cache (A Christmas Story)
- Earth Cache (Echo Cache)
- Regular Cache (Jason's Cache)
- Multi Cache (Mount Hope Multicache)
- Letterbox (Welton Grove Park)
We had planned several backup caches in case we couldn't find fact, we had to use one of the backups! We had planned to use Twisted Lines as our Mystery Cache, but we had the wrong coords! So we ended up using A Christmas Story to satisfy that requirement. Good planning on Mr. Diecast's part to have a backup!
Speaking of A Christmas Story...(
It's a funny story...we had a dickens (ahahahha...nice play on words, huh??) of a time finding it. Jeff was giving it one last try and went into the wooded area by him self. He crashed thorugh the trees and bushes and scared a coyote away! In the middle of Topeka! Then he heard something walking through the bushes and thought the coyote was coming back...instead, Larry 739, Team Snoot and Saucytoad came around the bend looking for the same cache! What a relief to have found the cache!
All in all, we were successful and had a great day! This was a fun challenge to do. We saw some interesting things that we would never have seen if we hadn't been geocaching!
See you on the trails!